
“Fighting cancer doesn’t work for me. When i Drop the fight and truly accept I am meant to be on this jounery. That’s when I feel real power”

Hi, I’m Joanne – Breast Cancer Survivor, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist (NAHA) and Certified Diet and Nutrition Therapist (ICHH)

I’m a trained holistic health coach. My goal is to assist my clients in achieving their quality health goals by providing holistic services, individualized meals, and assisting them in discovering and understanding how various foods affect their bodies.

Surviving Cancer

I am a stage 4 breast cancer survivor and I started battling my health challenges in 2016 at the age of 39. When I was first diagnosed with BC, I realized that the doctors didn't observe my nutritional needs and the fact that I needed it now more than ever. Because I reasoned that since this treatment was meant to terminate some tumor cells, some of my body cells might also be killed in the process; as such, I needed to eat properly. With long term taking chemo medication, I still felt some disturbing side effects which included joint pain, muscle ache, chest pain, anxiety issues and easily getting fatigued. It was shortly after my diagnosis that I found Applied-Metaphysics and my life was forever changed. Just after three months of being on a personalized diet and having a change in lifestyle, most of my issues were gone and my tumor shrunk even further. This was a huge achievement and I was greatly inspired to help others who may share similar experiences. This reason spurs me to become a certified nutrition therapist from International College of Holistic Health (ICHH).

My Mission

My Mission is

a to assist you in regaining control of your health

a to teach you the causes of these imbalances and how to completely avoid them.

a to enhance your quality of health.

a to thrive after this experience and live a wonderful life

a Learn how to use integrative strategies to stack the deck in your favour

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Fighting cancer doesn’t work for me. When i Drop the fight and truly accept I am meant to be on this jounery. That’s when I feel real power

Contact Us 

Email: ask@withlove-ai.com